Come onboard this magical art experience
Angemeldet als:
I am beyond thrilled that Travelart is now finally online and we can get started on this amazing project. Travelart is just simple:
- Find wonderful women who love to do art
- Start putting together the Travelart work of art that will be printed onto the bus
- Take the bus
- Take the dogs
- Start traveling ;)
I am so excited that my dream is finally coming true. For years I have thought about this beautiful art project and now it is time.
Victor Hugo said:
"There is nothing more powerful than an idea whose time has come!"
I really love this quote as it feels so true.
Travelart is an entirely new and exciting way of exhibiting art.
Instead of an exhibition in a museum or gallery, your art will be printed on the outside of the Travelart Bus and taken on a tour through Europe. The trip will last at least 99 days and no less than 10,000 km - how cool is that!
Travelart is an entirely new and exciting way of exhibiting art.
Instead of an exhibition in a museum or gallery, your art will be printed on the outside of the Travelart Bus and taken on a tour through Europe. The trip will last at least 99 days and no less than 10,000 km - how cool is that!
I could never do this trip without the sweetest, kindest, cutest and most amazing dogs in the world. Meet Romy & Ylva - my two stunning Silken Windsprites
Dear fellow women,
if you are inspired and want to be part of Travelart, I would love to hear from you - in case you have questions or just want to get to know me a little better. Just send me an Email at info (at)
I will be really happy to hear from you.
26670 Uplengen Germany
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